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Mes: marzo 2011

Idea about advertising in SMO

The next step in Social Media is how know the best way to do advertising. It’s not like adwords, people in networks are searching persons, not keywords. Maybe it’s about sponsorship lifes. As the best surfers have Quicksilver contracts to sponsor her photos, video, boards. Im thinking of this topic and we must create a new profile, like IT boys/girls in fashion industry. Sponsorship the photos, states, persons who have a big impact in groups of 100 o 200 persons. The problem it’s how/where are these community leaders.

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Khan Academy

I’ve read in Martín Varsavsky blog a post about Khan Academy and i want to share it. My parents are teachers and all my life i’ve had discussions about the different ways to teach children.
Khan Academy is a organization created by Salman Khan. Basically you can search in the website videos that contain explications about maths, science and humanities.

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